P5 Living In The Light of God's Blessing

Living in Light of God's Blessings: Lessons from Joshua at Jericho

Many Christians live on the brink of spiritual starvation despite having access to all of God's blessings. Like a college student who had money hidden in a Bible but lived in poverty because he never opened it, believers often fail to claim the spiritual riches already given to them.

What Does it Mean to Have a Healthy Fear of God?
Joshua's encounter at Jericho demonstrates the importance of maintaining a proper reverence for God. When confronted by the commander of God's army, Joshua immediately showed deep respect by falling face-down and removing his sandals on holy ground.

Why is God's Holiness Important?
While God is our loving Father, He remains perfectly holy and pure. The Old Testament teaches us about God's absolute holiness through examples like the Holy of Holies, where even accidental entry meant death. Though Jesus' death gave us access to God, His holy nature hasn't changed.

How Should We Approach God's Will?
Joshua demonstrated proper submission to God's will by:
  • Immediately accepting God's agenda over his own
  • Following unconventional battle plans without question
  • Remaining faithful even when results weren't immediate
  • Persisting in obedience without visible progress

What Can We Learn from the Battle of Jericho?
The fall of Jericho teaches several key principles:
  • God's ways may not match human logic or military strategy
  • Faithful obedience is required even when nothing seems to be happening
  • Victory comes through following God's instructions precisely
  • Persistence in faith eventually leads to breakthrough

Life Application
This week, examine your approach to God by asking yourself:
  • Do I treat God with proper reverence, or have I become too casual?
  • Am I trying to get God to bless my agenda, or am I joining His?
  • Where do I need to persist in faithful obedience despite not seeing results?

Challenge: Choose one area where you've been trying to do things your own way. Commit to following God's way instead, even if it seems unconventional or doesn't show immediate results. Remember, like the Chinese bamboo tree that appears dormant for years before shooting up 90 feet, breakthrough often comes after persistent faithfulness.

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