Moving Toward Jesus Through Serving Others: A Guide to Spiritual Growth
Progress in our spiritual journey requires more than just desire - it demands discipline. While many of us want to grow closer to Jesus, we often avoid the lifestyle changes necessary to make it happen.

Why is Serving Others Important for Spiritual Growth?
According to Philippians 2:3-8, to move toward Jesus, we must serve like He served. This is countercultural, as the world promotes self-advancement, but Jesus taught that true greatness comes through serving others.

How Does Serving Transform Us Spiritually?

Servants Empty Themselves of Self

Jesus demonstrated this through the kenosis - emptying Himself while maintaining His deity

When we serve, we create space for the Holy Spirit to work

Our carnal self and the Spirit cannot occupy the same space

What Does Good Stewardship Have to Do with Serving?
First Peter 4:10 teaches that we should use our gifts to serve others as faithful stewards. Everything we have - our wealth, health, influence, abilities, and spiritual gifts - are investments from God meant to be used for His purposes.

How Does Our Identity Relate to Service?
Serving others effectively requires security in our identity in Christ. When we understand:

Who we are

Whose we are

Where we're headed

We become free to serve without concern for status or recognition, just as Jesus demonstrated when washing His disciples' feet (John 13:3).

Common Misconceptions About Serving

Serving doesn't diminish our value

Our identity isn't based on what we do, but on our relationship with Christ

Humble service doesn't lower our status - it elevates our spiritual growth

Life Application
This week, challenge yourself to:

Identify one way you can serve others in your community or church

Examine how you're using God's investments in your life

Look for opportunities to practice humble service

Ask yourself:

Am I leveraging my time, talents, and treasures for God's benefit or my own?

What areas of self am I holding onto that prevent the Spirit from flowing through me?

How secure am I in my identity in Christ, and how does that affect my willingness to serve?

Remember, every step toward serving others is a step toward Jesus. Make 2025 a year of intentional service to others, allowing this spiritual discipline to transform your walk with Christ.

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