Dear Redeemer Family,

Both here at home and around the world, we are racing into an exciting future! For example, we are currently working with seven different pastors and congregations to plant new Redeemer Churches in Hungary, Moldova, South Africa, Pakistan, India, and Burma. God continues to open new doors of opportunity for us to plant gospel-preaching, Bible-believing churches all over the world…and the Redeemer family is making the most of every opportunity.
Here at home, many accept Christ each week and follow Him in believer’s baptism. Also, hundreds of newcomers each year are getting engaged and involved in our Great Commission efforts. From our incredible worship ministries to our exceptional small group/Bible study ministries to our local outreach efforts, First Redeemer is “growing and going” for God’s glory.
Of course, one of the great enablers for our continued kingdom impact is a journey of faith we’re calling All In. In the coming months, we will add to the tools God has already entrusted to us to reach and teach more people. An 8,000 square feet addition to our Preschool facilities and a 45,500 square feet Adult Bible Education Building will help us win, baptize, teach, and disciple every person possible. Last Sunday, I shared the following update on our progress toward this God-sized goal:
  • Approximate Cost: $18M – $22M
  • Giving & Pledge Goal: $15M
  • Current Giving & Pledge Total: $16,606,892.95
Because of our church’s sacrificial generosity, we expect to break ground on these exciting new projects by September. If you have not yet made your 3-year All In pledge, you can participate at
This Sunday
On Sunday morning, Dr. Larry Aultman will be speaking during both morning worship services. As you know, Dr. Aultman is our Missions and Adult Education Pastor and has previously served as a Senior Pastor for 30 years. He is a tremendous blessing to our church family, and I’m anxious for you to hear from him this Sunday.
All In for Him,


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