P4 Claim Your Spiritual Inheritance

Living in Light of God's Blessings: Lessons from Joshua 5
Every Christian has been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ - from firm hope and guaranteed inheritance to deep joy and unshakeable peace. However, many believers know about these blessings but don't fully experience them in their daily lives.

How Do We Claim Our Spiritual Blessings?
The Book of Joshua provides a roadmap for claiming the blessings God has already given us. Just as the Israelites had to take specific steps to claim their promised land, we too must take action to experience our spiritual inheritance.

What Does Spiritual Circumcision Mean for Christians Today?
In Joshua 5, God commanded the Israelites to be circumcised before claiming their promised land. While physical circumcision was the sign of God's covenant with Israel, Christians today undergo a spiritual circumcision through Christ. This involves putting off our old sinful nature and embracing our new identity in Christ.

Three Enemies Every Believer Faces:

Satan - who seeks to destroy

The World - with its anti-Christian culture

The Flesh - our internal sinful nature

How Do We Put Off the Flesh?
Living in light of God's blessings requires:

Feeding our spiritual nature while starving our fleshly desires

Removing sinful behaviors like anger, rage, malice, and impurity

Living according to our true identity as children of God

Using our rights responsibly, not just asking "how close to the line can I walk?"

Why Must We Risk Obedience?
Sometimes God's instructions don't make logical sense or may seem risky. The Israelites had to trust God by becoming militarily vulnerable in enemy territory. Similarly, we must sometimes take steps of faith that seem dangerous from a human perspective.

How Does God Deal with Our Past?
Just as God "rolled away the reproach of Egypt" from Israel, He removes the shame and guilt of our past through Christ. When we accept Jesus, God:

Forgives all our sins

Cancels our spiritual debt

Chooses to remember our sins no more

Life Application
This week, consider these questions:

What areas of your life are still controlled by fleshly desires rather than spiritual truth?

Where is God calling you to risk obedience, even when it doesn't make sense?

Are you living beneath your dignity as a child of God?

Challenge: Identify one area where you've been living according to your old nature rather than your new identity in Christ. Make a specific plan to "put off the flesh" in that area this week, whether it's addressing an attitude, behavior, or pattern of thinking that doesn't align with who you are in Christ.

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