Dear Friends,
     In the coming weeks, we will reflect on and celebrate our church’s extraordinary 25-year history.On September 29, 1996, a small group of believers knelt in a converted warehouse to ask God to doa great work for His glory. Twenty-five years later, we look back in amazement and gratitude for all He has done.
     But as extraordinary as our past has been, we believe our future is even greater. God continues to open doors of opportunity for our church to make Kingdom impact in our community, in our state, and literally around the globe. Our world has never been darker, but the gospel continues to shine brightly from this special place. We are convinced that God desires to use First Redeemer unlike ever before until Jesus returns for His church.
     Today, as we look toward our exciting future, our church family begins 30 days of prayer and fasting. Each day this month, dozens of people will deny themselves of food during mealtime so they can spend time in earnest and focused prayer for our church, community, and country. If you would like to participate, please register at   On the day before your selected time, you will receive an email with instructions on how to properly fast and pray along with a prayer guide.I hope you will join us for this special time of fervent intercession.
Lunch with the Pastor
     If you’re one of the many newcomers to First Redeemer, you are invited to a very special event on September 12 at 12:15PM!  Two or three times each year, I host Lunch with the Pastor to meet those who are new to our church and to share from my heart about who we are and what we’re about. Guests will enjoy a complimentary hot lunch in our banquet hall, meet members of our staff,and be able to ask questions about First Redeemer. Attendees will also be given an opportunity tojoin our church family. If you’d like to attend, please register at
     Over the next couple of weeks, I’ll be sharing details about our 25th Anniversary Celebration…you’re not going to want to miss a moment! I’ll see you in church!
Pastor Jeff
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