First Redeemer Church 2025 Budget

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit" - Matthew 28:19

Budget Adoption Schedule

Sunday, March 23:
Budget distributed to the church

Wednesday, March 26, 6:00PM:
Budget review in the Sanctuary

Sunday, March 30, 10:45AM:
Business Meeting in the Sanctuary to adopt budget

Dear Redeemer Family,

God has commissioned us to point people toward Jesus at a unique time in human history. Many in our world are hungry for spiritual truth at a time when many insist it doesn’t exist. When a society lacks spiritual and moral clarity, it quickly becomes confused, chaotic, and hopeless. Indeed, our increasingly dark world is desperate for the light of truth we bear.

This website summarizes how we will steward our resources to share the hope-giving truth about Jesus with everyone possible during the coming year. As you can see, our 2025 spending plan aims to glorify God with a tenacious commitment to the Great Commission. We are grateful for God’s gracious blessings, and, at the same time, we are mindful that to whom much is given, much is required. My prayer for the First Redeemer family is that we always steward well our God-given blessings for our God-given purpose.

The investments described here not only underscore our commitment to God’s work, but they also illustrate our love for the One who gave all for us. Jesus said, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Our financial stewardship is an expression of our heartfelt worship of the One who sacrificed His life for us. As we all prayerfully consider our part in our 2025 Great Commission work, I pray that we will do so from hearts overflowing with love and gratitude for our wonderful Savior.

As we remain faithful to our calling, I know that God will continue to do in us and through us what only He can do. That’s why I believe the best is yet to come.

All in For Him,

- Dr. Jeff Jackson, Senior Pastor

Budget Summary

Missions & Outreach                  $ 420,040

Music & Worship                               410,530

Children & Preschool                        169,210

Adult Education                                 132,585

Student Ministry                                126,850

Media & Creative                               292,870
Administration                                  702,485

Debt Service                                    1,052,644

General Operations                       2,670,195

Personnel                                         5,560,575

Total Ministry Budget    $11,537,984

Weekly Budget Requirement     $221,884

First Redeemer Church 2025 Budget

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